Server Rules To ensure a quality experience for all players, please familiarize yourself with our server rules. Failure to comply may result in warnings or bans at the discretion of our staff.
RDM/VDM Random Death Match and Vehicle Death Match rules
Metagaming Using out-of-game information in-game
Powergaming Unrealistic actions or forcing scenarios
New Life Rule Rules regarding character death and respawn
Value of Life Rules about valuing your character's life
Zero Tolerance Rules Rules that result in immediate permanent ban
Requirements Basic requirements for playing on the server
Staff In Game Rules regarding staff interaction in-game
Torture and Erotica RP Rules for sensitive roleplay content
Perma Death Rules regarding permanent character death
Fail RP Actions that constitute failing at roleplay
Exploiting & Hacking Rules against cheating and exploiting game mechanics
Racism Rules against racist behavior
Harassment Rules against harassing behavior
Player Owned Housing/Businesses Rules for owning and operating in-game properties
Reporting Issues in State How to report rule violations and issues
Toxicity Rules against toxic behavior
Breaking Character/Roleplay Bleed Rules about maintaining character and separating IC from OOC
Vigilantism Rules regarding vigilante actions
Robbing Players Rules for player-on-player robbery
Server Restart Rules regarding server restarts
Cooldowns Rules about cooldown periods after certain actions
Character Identification Rules about identifying other players
Gang & Family Limits Rules for gang and family formations
Police Interactions Rules for interactions with law enforcement
Government Corruption Rules regarding corruption roleplay for government officials
Cop/Doctor Baiting Rules against baiting law enforcement or medical personnel
Doctor Interactions Rules for interactions with medical personnel
Body Dumping Rules regarding the disposal of bodies
Killing Players and Hostage Taking Rules for player killing and hostage situations
Greenzones Areas where combat RP is not allowed
Rules of Engagement Guidelines for initiating combat
Combat Logging Rules against logging out during combat
Knocked Out Rules for when a character is unconscious